The search for provisions – – –
Thursday – we have a sleep in because K & T have the day off from work. A leisurely breakfast and we head off because today is a day to get supplies for the trip! Well you never know if we are going to be caught in the wilderness without sustenance. Kylie has made a list of what is required and it is more stuff than Lewis & Clark took on their trek across America!
First things first though – we have to do some shopping at Joe’s at Hillsboro – a very large sports store. We thought that maybe I could get some fishing gear for Stuart but cannot see anything like what he showed me and it is not worth my life to take back the wrong gear – so instead I buy some sunglasses and real ‘Australian flavoured’ liquorice for me! Am not too sure what the ‘Australian flavour’ is supposed to be – maybe gum leaves? wombat droppings? but after a taste it is certainly NOT like the liquorice back home.
Second stop is Costco’s – what a place. I have been looking forward to coming here after being told about it time and time again. They have everything and I do mean everything.
Food, electrical, garden, furniture, house cladding, windows you name it – Costco has it. I spy a CF card for my camera and it is exactly the same as the one I got from Fred Meyers – but this one is $20. Fred’s was $70!!! so I will not use Fred’s but will take it back when we get home from the trip.
Boy what a difference in price. We get some water, juice, nibblies etc. The best thing about Costco is that you can eat your way around the store. There are charming ladies cooking and plating all sorts of goodies that range from breakfast foods – through lunch and finally dinner. You could stay here all day and just go from plate to plate to plate. Something lacking though – of course – no wine tasting. Do they have a suggestion box?
After buying our provisions we head off to our third stop – Circuit City in Jantzen Beach to get another battery for my DVD – just in case one is not enough. K & T also decide on a video camera so they get that as an Anniversary pressie from me and the crew back home. After all of this trekking – we drop Tyler at home and Kylie and I set off for a pedicure for Kylie and nail fix up for me! Nothing like a little bit of pampering the body parts before our 7000 mile journey!
A hectic day to say the least and when we get home we have dinner and prepare everything for tomorrow making sure that the Trip Tik is packed. This is a plan of attack courtesy of AAA which is like the NRMA at home. You can enter all the places you are going to and then it prints out the directions and maps and everything. A sure fired guarantee that no matter how closely we read it – we will still get lost and encounter the unknown!
And of course, in best National Geographic manner – we make sure we have the cameras and chargers!
Highlight of the day: Costco – yum.