2017 Snow & Lights – Day 12

ST. HELENS – toes, fingers and fish

LogoWednesday – sees us doing nothing except making sure that everything is packed for part two of our journey which continues tomorrow.

Washing being done – clothes being repacked – camera gear checked – plane tickets and passports.  Sounds like a lot but we have planned on not going anywhere today so everything will be OK.

The weather is not being kind to us.  Cold and rainy – just good inside by the fire weather but Kylie has decided that both of us need a manicure and pedicure so she makes appointments with her trusted nail artist in Longview and away we go.  Tyler is left to survey the washing etc.

The drive is not too bad – and around 30 minutes later we arrive to be pampered and preened.  What a luxury so I decide to get some really special nails for our Stars over Whitehorse – very Las Vegas trash – but hey a little bit of trash doesn’t go astray once in a while – Kylie just rolls her eyes.

Footsies20170215_173158As you can see I still have the Sydney suntan on my feet.  This is caused by my sandals as I trudge through the sand on our beaches which is nice to remember as I sit here in freezing temperatures and drizzly rain!

The nails – well – that about says it all doesn’t it?  I think they are pretty and after all that is all that matters.

Once our tootsies and hands have been beautified it is time to head home and possibly pick up some lunch.  Kylie suggests Burgerville which of course is a burger joint but they also have fish and chicken.  I opt for the Alaskan Halibut – a nice feed of fish never goes astray and it does look good in the picture.

BurgervilleI will give the game away now and tell you that this will not be the last time I partake of this feed – it was very scrumptious.

This is only a short post, a welcome thing I hear you say.

See you tomorrow as we head North.