VANCOUVER to WHITEHORSE – ready to dance Friday – dawns cloudy and cold so no morning photos for you. Everything goes back into the suitcases, quick check to make sure we have everything and I must admit the ‘transporting the…
2017 Snow & Lights – Day 13
ST HELENS to RICHMOND – part two begins Thursday – and we are driving to Richmond just outside of Vancouver which is in Canada. The weather is still not kind but the forecast tells us it will improve as we…
2017 Snow & Lights – Day 12
ST. HELENS – toes, fingers and fish Wednesday – sees us doing nothing except making sure that everything is packed for part two of our journey which continues tomorrow. Washing being done – clothes being repacked – camera gear checked…
2017 Snow & Lights – Day 11
BOZEMAN to PORTLAND – another day, another flight Tuesday – and the day dawns bright and clear. What a great night’s sleep. Maybe it has something to do with not having to plan an early start to join our coach…
2017 Snow & Lights – Day 10
GOODBYE YELLOWSTONE – a sad farewell Monday – as you have most probably gathered from today’s title – it is time to say goodbye to my favourite park. We have had an incredible stay over the past 6 days and…