Friday – spas and sunsets
This morning we not only wake up to the sounds of the ocean but also to the sounds of our bovine friends.
Apparently the herds just wander from place to place and stop to enjoy the grass and the view whenever it takes their fancy, which says a lot for the cow grate installed at the top of our driveway! We walk down to get a closer view, ever mindful that our new friends, even though appearing friendly may not take kindly to three tourists snapping away at them at a great rate of knots.
Looking out the camera, watching where you are walking to avoid the pats while keeping one eye on our friends is no mean feat. And in saying that we also had to be careful not to walk too close to the edge because we could find ourselves swimming in Ball Bay. We take things nice and slow and our friends continue to watch us with a look of ‘it’s those bloody tourist idiots again’.
We have our dekkie brekkie and go into town for a walk around the shops (again) and morning tea at the Tropicana (again). Even though we have been here everyday and looked in the shops everyday it still is the best way to spend the morning.
Shopping on Norf is duty free so we take advantage of this situation and stock up on jewellery, perfume and whatever else takes our fancy, although the perfume is my favourite. There is one shop – Max’s – which is situated at the end of the town when we come in from By the Bay. It is an A frame building and doesn’t look very big but the stuff they have is incredible. It’s like a real Alladin’s Cave when you walk in and you don’t know where to look first.
There are lots of interesting shops – Craig’s that sells knitwear and items not only from Scotland but Europe as well; The Camera House – self explanatory – more Palaces of Perfumery; Paton Place – out of town a bit – well within walking distance and well worth the look for rugs, knitwear, crystal, lace etc; shoe stores; jewellery stores including a very exclusive South African Diamond store. There are also toy shops and let’s don’t forget Pete’s Place. Oh it’s all too much.
We visit The Mall and get some fresh bread rolls etc and then it’s back home for lunch. Tonight we are having the very touristy Norfolk Island Fish Fry which is to be held at Puppys Point – the best place on the island to watch the sunset.
IT3 and I decide that we will make use of the spa in IT1’s bedroom as we cannot let it go to waste. We don our togs fill the thing with water and get in – then we cannot work out how we get the thing to work. Back out of the spa to find the directions and then back in the spa.
We have pulled up the shades so that we can look out over Ball Bay while relaxing but come to think of it we haven’t done much looking or relaxing so far.
We finally get the thing going and then we have a bright idea to put in some bubble bath. Yes we know that bubble bath and spas should not go together but we are feeling adventurous and after all a little bit cannot hurt can it – but in a short time we are in danger of becoming lost forever in a sea of foam!
IT1 has dissolved into laughter and stumbles around to the side of the verandah near the spa and we open the window so that she can start shovelling out the bubbles with her hat! The three of us are exhausted – and that is not how it was supposed to be. Nevermind – we two get to settle down in our sea of foam and IT1 takes refuge in the conservatory with a stiff drink!. Coward!
There are houses on the other side of Ball Bay and we hope that no-one was looking out their windows to see three idiots throwing bubbles out the window that now lay around everywhere like snow! IT1 has been ever so kind and has taken photos but she was even kinder not to take photos as we got out doing our Frosty the Snowman imitations!
After our little adventure we have our solitary down time and Nanna Nap which we all enjoy and wake up refreshed and ready for our Fish Fry. We have to meet the group in town so we park our car and find the meeting place. Next thing we know we are all aboard a small bus – yes just like the Grey Lions – but thankfully they have retired to their dens and are not with us. There is about 12 in the group and yes we three are laughing and carrying on as normal.
We arrive at Puppys Point and while the tour people set up the food and begin to cook we wander around.
The sun is heading down but we still have plenty of time for food. Our fish dinner consists of local Trumpeter fish which has been battered the special Norf way and then deep fried and is delicious.
The really light batter coating is fabulous and I make a note to get the recipe. Salads and rolls accompany the fish and then we have a native dessert (name forgotten) but it was something with coconut and after enjoying every morsel we settle down to watch the spectacular sunset, with wine in hand of course! We are warned not to venture around in the dark because there are no fences here and they don’t want to go back with less people than what arrived!
How breath-taking is that eh? Soooooo quiet and all you can hear are the sounds of the ocean and some lovely music in the background. This is definitely a must-do for anyone that travels to Norf. You don’t have to do the fish fry – you can buy some fish and chips (just as delicious from Ocean Blue Takeaways) and bring it all up here! Now there’s another happy thought!
After a delightful night we get back on the bus and into town to collect our car.
The night is pitch black and there is only one street light on Norf. We are careful on the way home and arrive safely and all of us fall into bed like tired little teddy bears.
Highlight of the day: that incredible sunset