WHITEHORSE – our last full 24 hours
Tuesday – today’s title post says it all.
Today is our last full day and night at this wonderful place and I am going to make the most of it for sure.
The morning is clear and cold so we are all keeping our fingers crossed that tonight will be a real spectacle. On the off chance that I will have lots of photos for this day – I will split this into two parts –
After breakfast K&T decide to go for a drive. Me? I am staying here to finally do some Macro photography. This lens that Kylie hired has travelled through Yellowstone and all points North and this is the first time I have been able to get close to anything to use it. Macro photography is really interesting and it takes a very steady hand if you don’t use a tripod. I do not know how steady my hand will be after trekking through some of the deep snow around here, but I am determined to give it a go.
After saying farewell to K&T it is time for some serious photography – let’s go. But first – you guessed it, I just have to take some photos that are not Macro.
Sometimes I just cannot help myself. This is such a great place and there are thousands of Kodak moments around here, but I must put a stop to this and get on with what I am supposed to be doing.
There are lots of trees and bushes around – they will make good subjects. All I have to do is trek off the pathways through the knee deep snow and I will get some great photos. I have no idea on the species of the trees and bushes so I will just put the photos here and you can enjoy – these were quite easy to get – only ankle deep snow – –
and then I decide to be a bit more brave – knee deep – which is interesting to try and find a balance –
I am having so much fun and there is no-one around to see me fall over which I do more than once. I end up with snow in my gloves, pockets, boots but my camera survives.
Now that I am in knee deep I have to get back out. What a hoot. How hard can it be? I can see the path and I have to get there and the only way is to do my best bison imitation and push through the snow. Considering the situation and the amount of clothes I have on – there is more time for giggles as I lose balance and end up sitting waist deep.
You just had to be there to appreciate the efforts I went through so that you can see the great photos.
There were so many great Macro opportunities at Yellowstone to do this – but everything was so unreachable – I would have been in snow up to my shoulders!
With the amount of trekking and falling and hauling myself up, I have had a lot of fun out here but after about 2 hours I am exhausted. I think a bit of fitness training would not have gone astray but it is too late now to worry about that. It’s back to the chalet to recover and hopefully the Ladies will dance for us tonight.
Beautiful snow crystals – a great way to end the morning.