NEWPORT RHODE ISLAND – millionaires and their mansions Friday – Today we are going to Newport Rhode Island to visit the humble housings of the rich and famous of former times. Vanderbilts, Oelrichs and Wetmore – the last two being not…
2013 Autumn Leaves on the East Coast – Day 20
BOSTON – pilgrims and things that go bump in the night Thursday – Today is Halloween! Tonight there will be witches, ghosts and goblins haunting the streets – I can hardly wait! We do not do Halloween in a big way…
2013 Autumn Leaves on the East Coast – Day 19
SALEM to BOSTON – Halloween looms closer Wednesday – It is the day before All Hallows Eve otherwise known as Halloween and today we head for the haunts of witches and warlocks – Salem. The morning is overcast so time to…
2013 Autumn Leaves on the East Coast – Day 18
MAINE and NEW HAMPSHIRE – lobster by light Tuesday– Even though our hotel is close to the main highway there is no noise and I sleep like a log! Waking up with a sense of tranquility I remember that today…
2013 Autumn Leaves on the East Coast – Day 17
COOPERSTOWN – I don’t know? Monday – A very quiet night and we arise looking forward to brekky. The hotel has a nice breakfast area with the usual fare – English muffins and vegemite, juice and coffee and I am ready…